Registered Teachers.

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Sergio Hernandez

  • Northern New Jersey

Sergio is a tenor and voice teacher who holds a Master of Music degree from Westminster Choir College in Voice Pedagogy and Performance, and a Bachelor of Music degree in Vocal Performance from The College of New Jersey. He received his certification as a CYVT in 2018. He is an avid reader of vocal pedagogy literature and a practitioner of hot yoga who integrates these two passions when teaching his voice students to sing from a place of joy and acceptance of ever-changing experiences. Sergio holds YogaVoice workshops for young and adult choirs, where the focus is to inform singers of the fundamentals of vocal technique and how their voices can be used to calm the anxieties of performance. As a musician, Sergio is an experienced recitalist, chorister, church musician, and soloist who has performed in numerous concert venues throughout NY, NJ, and PA. As a CYVT, Sergio aims to provide his students with ongoing vocal and mental guides that allow them to use their voices clearly and without the worries of stress interfering with their genuine desire to be heard as they would like to be.