Registered Teachers.


Denise Mihalik

  • Southern New Jersey

Denise is a certified YogaVoice® and Sound Healing Practitioner and Yoga Instructor (CYT 500). She is also a professional classical singer, certified energy worker and kirtaniya (yogic chant). She discovered yoga and energy healing after experiencing severe whiplash in a van accident while on an opera tour. Although she began exploring yoga initially to relieve physical pain, it completely shifted her life and led her to explore sound as a healing and spiritual practice. A great believer in the power of vibrational healing, Denise’s mission is to assist others in finding their voice, be it speaking, singing, or one’s inner truth/soul expression. She works with anyone in search of her/his true expression. By empowering oneself, one can experience physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual healing that reflects into daily life. Her studies of YogaVoice®, sound healing, meditation, chanting, and other healing arts have taken Denise to India, Guatemala, Nepal and Nova Scotia, in addition to many special experiences in the states. She has completed advanced training in IET (energy therapy) and Avesa Quantum Healing and is a certified Himalayan Singing Bowl Sound Practitioner and Teacher through the Atma Buti Sound and Vibrational School in Boulder, CO.
