Therapy Tool

Use YogaVoice® in your medical practice! Our proprietary YogaVoice® method is a personal transformation technology that combines traditional yoga with systematic voice technique to develop and empower true, clear and confident communication.

For Therapists

Clients with low self-confidence and an inability to communicate clearly can benefit immensely from the YogaVoice® technology, which will allow them to understand and reset their daily physical and mental patterns, and ultimately free their inner voice.

For Speech-Language Pathologists

SLPs can level up their practice with our YogaVoice® technology as an additional tool to meet the specific needs of both children and adults with phonological disorders and speech delays while improving social communication, fluency and cognitive-communication.

But wait, there’s more! SLPs also benefit from practicing YogaVoice® to manage their own levels of stress and burnout. YogaVoice® is effective for both the client and therapist’s wellness.

For Pediatricians

The YogaVoice® method is uniquely poised to help kiddos experiencing speech delays, sensory overload, breathing issues and low self-esteem through activation of the parasympathetic nervous system and whole-body voice use training.